483 research outputs found

    Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan

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    Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan. Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident. Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion. Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents. Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану. Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ). Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки. Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій. Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана. Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО). Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт. Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий. Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time

    Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan

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    Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan. Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident. Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion. Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents. Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану. Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ). Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки. Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій. Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана. Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО). Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт. Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий. Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time

    A study on awareness of household waste separation in Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor: rural areas

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    Malaysia is embarking on green initiatives which have been expressly stipulated in the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020). In order to transform ideas into reality, the government has identified six strategic thrusts and six game changers that will help Malaysia to stay ahead of global challenges and opportunities in the next five years. In one of the strategic thrusts, the government has planned a greener trajectory for sustainability and resilience [1]. As a result, governmental agencies such as the Department of Environment (DOE) has been given the mandate to conserve and protect the environment and its natural resources for present and future generations. Among the ways applied by the government for solving environmental problems, especially waste generation, include waste minimization, compost and incineration. The Public Cleansing Management Act 2007 (SWPCM Act 2007) came into force on 1 September 2011. It was administered by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. The main objective of the act is to regulate the management of controlled solid waste and to ensure high-quality services in solid waste management [2]. Apart from the government, the community should also play its role in minimizing waste generation at household level

    Backtracking Search Optimization for Collaborative Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to energy limitation and constraint in communication capabilities, the undesirable high battery power consumption has become one of the major issues in wireless sensor network (WSN). Therefore, a collaborative beamforming (CB) method was introduced with the aim to improve the radiation beampattern in order to compensate the power consumption. A CB is a technique which can increase the sensor node gain and performance by aiming at the desired objectives through intelligent capabilities. The sensor nodes were located randomly in WSN environment. The nodes were designed to cooperate among each other and act as a collaborative antenna array. The configuration of the collaborative nodes was modeled in circular array formation. The position of array nodes was determined by obtaining the optimum parameters pertaining to the antenna array which implemented by using Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm (BSA). The parameter considered in the project was the side-lobe level minimization. It was observed that, the suppression of side-lobe level for BSA was better compared to the radiation beampattern obtained for conventional uniform circular array

    Time-cost effective factor of a Midimew connected Mesh network

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    Hierarchical Interconnection Network (HIN) is indispensable for the practical implementation of future generation massively parallel computer systems which consists of hundred thousands nodes or even millions of nodes. Because it yields good performance with low cost due to reduction of communication links and by exploring the locality in the communication & traffic patterns. A Midimew connected Mesh Network (MMN) is an HIN comprised of numerous basic modules, where the basic modules are 2D-mesh networks and they are hierarchically interconnected using midimew network to construct the higher level networks. In this paper, we present the architecture of a MMN and evaluate the time-cost effective factor of MMN, TESH, mesh, and torus networks. It is found that the proposed MMN yields slightly high time-cost effectiveness factor with small diameter and average distance as compared to other networks. Overall, performance with respect to time-cost effectiveness factor with small diameter and average distance suggests that the proposed MMN will be a indispensable choice for the next generation massively parallel computer systems

    Cost effective factor of a midimew connected mesh network

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    Background and Objective: Hierarchical Interconnection Network (HIN) is very much essential for the practical implementation of future generation Massively Parallel Computers (MPC) systems which consists of millions of nodes. It yields better performance with low cost due to reduction of wires and by exploring the locality in the communication\and traffic patterns. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the static cost effective factor of Midimew connected Mesh Network (MMN). Materials and Methods: A Midimew connected Mesh Network (MMN) is a HIN comprised of numerous basic modules, where the basic modules are 2D-mesh networks and they are hierarchically interconnected using midimew network to assemble the higher level networks. Results: This study, present the architecture of a MMN and evaluate the cost effective factor of MMN, TESH (Tori-connected Mesh), mesh and torus networks. The results shows that the cost effective factor of MMN was trivially higher than that of mesh and torus network. Conclusion: It was revealed that the proposed MMN yields a little bit high cost effectiveness factor with small diameter and average distance. Overall, performance with respect to cost effective factor with small diameter and average distance suggests that the MMN will be a promising choice for next generation MPC system

    Microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Carica papaya leaves: An optimization study and LC-QTOF-MS analysis

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    Carica papaya is a well-known plant with diverse importance to human beings. The efficacy of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) in the recovery of phenolic compounds from C. papaya leaf was investigated in this study. The MAE process variables were optimized using response surface method; at the optimized conditions, the embedded phenolic compounds in the extract were identified through LC-QTOF-MS analysis. The results showed that the best MAE conditions were: time of irradiation at 3 min; microwave power of 420 W; feed-to-solvent ratio of 1:12 g/mL; and solvent concentration of 56% ethanol/water to achieve 102.59 mg GAE/g d.w. of total phenolic content (TPC). At these conditions, an aggregate of 72 phenolic compounds was tentatively identified. These results infer that MAE as a technique can recover phenolic compounds from C. papaya leaf. Hence, the identified compounds can further be quantified with their respective pharmacological properties in future studies

    Recent Findings Pertaining To Factors Contributing To The Poor Academic Performance Of Undergraduate Students In The Department Of Electrical Engineering, University Of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    This paper discusses the factors contributing to the poor academic performance of undergraduate students at the Department of Electrical Engineering, in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. Amongst the factors found are social issues, poor self discipline, language problems, financial constraint and adjustment issues into university life. The Department has taken steps in its effort to overcome these problems. Part of these initiatives was the formation of a committee to oversee the situation of the poor performing students, and efforts have been stepped up to monitor and guide these students

    Reconfigurable multi-legs robot for pipe inspection: Design and gait movement

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    1132-1144This paper focuses on studies on reconfigurable multi-legs robotic system. The aim of this paper is to identify and acquire findings on how multi-legs robot can walk, climb vertical pipe and walk along the horizontal pipe after climbing. Three degrees of freedom (3DOF) multi-legs robot is designed and built to replace human involvement either at hazardous pipeline or to check on vertical and horizontal pipes. The robot system is tested to climb the vertical pipe and then move along horizontal pipe for inspection or other purposes. This can reduce the cost and percentage of human risk exposure during inspection on outer pipe. This multi-legs robot has more movement gaits compared to wheeled robot, but in terms of speed, wheeled robot possesses greater advantages. Therefore, this system design has combination of both wheel and multiple legs ensure that the to system has higher stability, more gait movement, and higher speed manoeuvrability. The gaits analysis for the system movement includes angle of the legs to move and selection of certain legs to perform a given operation, either walking, climbing or hanging. The target result is the system able to climb 500 mm height with 85 mm radius pipe. The potential applications for the system are: (i) to move along either on surface or underwater pipe and (ii) to be equipped with ultrasonic sensor to inspect the pipe.</em

    Detection, Quantification and Classification of Ripened Tomatoes: A Comparative Analysis of Image Processing and Machine Learning

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    In this paper, specifically for detection of ripe/unripe tomatoes with/without defects in the crop field, two distinct methods are described and compared. One is a machine learning approach, known as ‘Cascaded Object Detector’ and the other is a composition of traditional customized methods, individually known as ‘Colour Transformation’, ‘Colour Segmentation’ and ‘Circular Hough Transformation’. The (Viola Jones) Cascaded Object Detector generates ‘histogram of oriented gradient’ (HOG) features to detect tomatoes. For ripeness checking, the RGB mean is calculated with a set of rules. However, for traditional methods, color thresholding is applied to detect tomatoes either from a natural or solid background and RGB colour is adjusted to identify ripened tomatoes. In this work, Colour Segmentation is applied in the detection of tomatoes with defects, which has not previously been applied under machine learning techniques. The function modules of this algorithm are fed formatted images, captured by a camera mounted on a mobile robot. This robot was designed, built and operated in a tomato field to identify and quantify both green and ripened tomatoes as well as to detect damaged/blemished ones. This algorithm is shown to be optimally feasible for any micro-controller based miniature electronic devices in terms of its run time complexity of O(n3) for traditional method in best and average cases. Comparisons show that the accuracy of the machine learning method is 95%, better than that of the Colour Segmentation Method using MATLAB. This result is potentially significant for farmers in crop fields to identify the condition of tomatoes quickly